Financial aid to attend 47 JAIIO / LatinR2018

The Sociedad Argentina de Informática (SADIO) is pleased to invite applications for financial aid scholarships for graduate students to attend the 47 JAIIO.

To apply for this scholarship, each applicant must complete this form (in Spanish). The awarding of the scholarship does not exempt you from registering for the 47 JAIIOs. Instructions for registering for the 47 JAIIOs are available here.

Scholarships details

The scholarships will provide financial aid to students in graduate programs in Computer Science/Information Technology/Systems Engineering/Computer Engineering or closely related fields.

They will be aimed at students who live more than 200 km from the city of Buenos Aires and who are interested in attending at least two days at 47 JAIIO. Selected applicants will receive financial aid of up to ARS 2000.


The scholarships will be mainly oriented to graduate students who are studying for a PhD outside the City of Buenos Aires. However, scholarships may also be awarded to Master’s degree students or advanced undergraduate students. Priority will be given to those who submit papers at 47 JAIIOs. The award of a scholarship does not exempt the recipient of the scholarship from its registration at 47 JAIIO.

Application and award of scholarships

Applicants must complete the application by Auguts 6th 2018. The selected students will be informed on Auguts 16th 2018. In order to receive the stipend, which will take place at the JAIIO Offices, beneficiaries will be required to submit photocopies of their round-trip tickets, issued in their name, as well as a copy of the documentation to support the statements on their application form and sign proof of receipt of the scholarship award. Photocopies of tickets may NOT be replaced by other proofs.

To apply for this scholarship, each applicant must fill out this form
