
Prices are in argentine pesos (ARS). The value in parenthesis corresonds to registrations after july 10th 2018. More information (in spanish) at JAIIO’s website.

Category1st article /
Additional article
General$2.000 ($2600)$1.000 ($1.300)
JAIIO member (2)$1.000 ($1.300)$500 ($600)
Teacher (3)$1.200 ($1560)$600 ($780)
Doctoral Student (3)$1.200 ($1560)$600 ($780)
Graduate student (author JAIIO symposium)$1.200 ($1560)$600 ($780)
Graduate student (author EST Contest) (4) (5)$600 ($780)$300 ($390)
Graduate student (attendance) (4)$600 ($780)-
Graduate student JAIIO member (attendance) (4)$300 ($390)-

Every article presented in JAIIO must have an associated author inscription. Payment for additional articles will be applied only to the 2nd and 3rd articles to be registered by the same author. Registration must be paid before July 9, 2018 for the work to be published.

(1) Members of SADIO, IEEE, AADECA or EPIO. You must attach proof that you prove your affiliation to that institution and have your payments up to date.

(2) Teachers and graduate students must prove this condition.

(3) Students must show regular student documents at the time of registration. The benefit is for first carreer students.

(4) Students authors of the EST Contest may only present their work in said contest.

Consult for student packages and for registration of groups of 10 or more participants at informació

Prices for tutorials

Tutorials prior to the confference have an aditional cost. The value in parenthesis is for prople not registered at JAIIO.

CodeTitleDay and timePrice in ARS
T1Visualización estática e interactiva de datos usando ggplot2 y plotly by Natalia da SilvaMonday Sep 3rd
10 to 13hs
$400 ($1000)
T2Inteligencia artificial con R: Introducción al "Deep Learning" by Andrés FarrallMonday Sep 3rd
10 to 13hs
$400 ($1000)
T3purrr: Functional Programming Mindset by Jennifer BryanMonday Sep 3rd
14 to 18hs
$400 ($1000)
T4Aspectos de seguridad en el desarrollo de aplicaciones Cloud by Pablo Frías and Eduardo SánchezTuesday Sep 4th
9 to 13hs
$400 ($1000)