How to become a sponsor of 47 JAIIO

47 JAIIO, 47th Jornadas Argentinas de Informática, will take place at Palermo University, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from September 3rd to September 7th, 2018.

The following are the sponsorship levels available to support the 47th JAIIO:

1° Principal Sponsor for the 47th JAIIO

The organization has three (3) hours available for presentations, receives fifty (50) registrations to all JAIIO events, can exhibit its banners in the 47 JAIIO rooms during the five conference days, and may install a commercial stand.
The organization’s logo will be printed in the front banner and in the main room banner.

2° Event Sponsor:

(for 1 (one) JAIIO Symposium or specific event)

The organization has two (2) hours available for presentations, receives forty (40) registrations to all JAIIO events, can exhibit its banners in the 47 JAIIO rooms during the days of the Symposium and may install a commercial stand.

3° Regular Sponsor

The organization has one (1) hour available for presentations, receives thirty (30) registrations to all JAIIO events and may install a commercial stand.

4° Main Advertiser

The organization has thirty minutes (30 minutes) available for presentations and receives fifteen (15) registrations to all JAIIO events.

5° Regular Advertiser

The organization receives ten (10) registrations to all JAIIO events.

  • 30-minutes presentation.
  • Commercial stand installation.
  • In case you are interested in other promotional activities, let us know and we will provide you with additional information.

IMPORTANT: In all cases, logos will be included in JAIIO deliverables and in the web site, according to the position acquired.

For more information visit

If you are interested in sponsoring 47 JAIIO, please write us at